Arsenal Supporters Group x GayGooners Pride Scarves for Charity
Chicago Gooners has always strived to be welcoming to people from all walks of life. We don’t care who you are, where you come from, or who you love, as long as you also love The Arsenal. You’ve found a place where you belong.
To celebrate Pride Month 2024, we are relaunching our Pride scarves with all proceeds going to a local LGBTQ+ organization! “Stick to football”, “stop being political”, etc. We’ve heard it all before, but we know where are hearts and morals lie. Victoria Concordia Crescit; victory through harmony. The only way forward is if we move forward together. ❤️
$22, $8 shipping. Purchase via the Paypal button below! We have a limited number of scarves available to be shipped. Please email Chicago Gooners at officialchicagogooners[at] if you have any questions about the scarves.